School Food
Standing in line sandwiched between sophmores and seniors, you approach the line of food choices. The food seems harmless. You reach to grab a carton of milk and a piece of fruit. You make your way to a silver tray, it's the main course, you can't tell what it is. This is Revolution Foods no one knows where it came from or why it is here..........
"The cheese looks like plastic, and the meat is reheated," shouted one senior in disgust. "The FDA should know about this," he jokes.
Revolution Foods is the latest caterer to stop y Stern Math and Science School. The company partners with Whole Foods Market to offer lunh and snacks for schools across California. Our school has sampled a number of their options, all of them organic and fit the health standards set y state school districts. The organization claims that their food is 100% organic, free from hormones and poor preparation.
"Our food is prepared fresh daily, we do not serve fried or overly processed food," revealed in their brochure.
The food program here isn't all what it's cracked up to be. Many students, especially seniors, show deep disdain for the program since Royal Dining, the original lunch providers, departed from our school. Revolution Foods were introduced the second year of our school's existence and made a huge first impression, but now it is quite different. They appear to make a stand becoming advocates for the organic lunch movement in school. However, they haven't broken any ground in food preparation.
By Austin Baca
November 24, 2009 at 4:08 PM
good job austin.! im actually glad that you did the revolution food because i guess that these issue is very important for mass students. and yeah people do mess around with comments and stuff but they really don't do anything about it. hopefully titans actually read this blog and know that journalism club is gonna started a food ;)
-- jessica moreno =]
November 24, 2009 at 4:37 PM
This is an awesome article which raises a great point about how people's perception of what is good for them may differ from the reality. I wonder what people think about the impact of fast food (high saturated fat content, etc.) and organic food in the community outside of school as well? When I was in high school there was this really cool program which was an organic grocery store on wheels run completely by high school students in Oakland.
November 24, 2009 at 4:39 PM
I am afraid that this is true...Royal Dining is strongly missed. Especially the monthly BBQ's!
November 24, 2009 at 6:17 PM
We really do need that bbq every once in a while. That was the bomb!! <33 cheeseburgers *drool*
I'm one of those ppl who've stopped eating the food, I've resorted to eating last nite's leftovers. =)
December 3, 2009 at 9:30 PM
it is such a great idea for you to write about revolution, i am glad to see that i am not the only one aware about the school's food... it has seriously led me to discontinue eating the school's food and started bringing in my own lunch. I don't see any effort from other students to do something about this because i know people who don't eat all day because they refuse to consume the food at school, which they depend on throughout the school's hours. hopefully titans do read about this and perhaps come up with an alternative,.. perhaps BBQ's again?! =D